Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is HoU?

House of Ubasti is coming to the music scene in Boise, Idaho. It's also coming to the publishing scene. And the art scene. It's basically coming to every scene that can properly be called a scene. What's important to gather here is the name, House of Ubasti, and that it is coming.

HoU is Z.V. House, Josh Shapel and Erica Crockett sewn together into one bastardization of nature. Not only does that mean we have six arms and six legs, we also have three brains that can bring you cool stuff like local tunes, graphic novels and art you'll want to give away because you love it so much you won't feel it's right to horde it.

Still don't know what House of Ubasti is? We sort of don't, either. But we will.


  1. I totally want in on this. What can I do?

  2. Soon we'll be looking for folks to help promote and perform various and sundry other tasks. Now your name is on my list. Be afeared.

    For now though, if'n you want share HoU on Facebook and other social places, we would be most grateful.

  3. Rebecca,

    What you can do is share our plans for domination with all you friends on Facebook. Oh, and edit, when we have something to edit...

