Sunday, December 25, 2011

Holidays2011 by aseasonaldisguise

Happy whatever you do or don't celebrate from Zach and Karen of A Seasonal Disguise, darling members of the HoU family!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Treefort Music Fest - Coming to a Boise Near You. Now With 100% More of Montreal.

As you barrel pellmell along Interstate 84, dodging tumbleweeds and Semi trucks, heading for the sweet, tree-thick, nougat that is Idaho's state capital, you'll pass a sign. This sign :

Welcome to Boise.
City of Trees.
Population 205, 671.

There are a few things wrong with that sign. First of all, the population of Boise is now 205,672, and second, there is no mention of Treefort Music Fest. That's about to change, (and not just because I have a can of spray paint and a get out of jail free card I bought for a dollar from a wandering get-out-of-jail-free-card salesman). Mark these dates on your calendar, March 22nd-25th. Got them marked? Good. On those dates Boise will host the first annual (hopefully) Treefort Music Fest. So far, inagural performers include...

of Montreal
Built to Spill
Blitzen Trapper
Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside
Champagne Champagne
Monster Rally & RUMTUM

...with more acts still to be announced. For more information, visit the official Treefort site and while you're there, sign up to receive by email "secret messages, insider trading information, announcements and ticket giveaways". Also, don't forget to GET EXCITED! This is gonna be BIG!

And...your moment of crooked-faced Zen.

Friday, December 16, 2011

House of Ubasti and A Seasonal Disguise join forces...for FREEDOM.

It's official. House of Ubasti will be releasing A Seasonal Disguise's new album, Waterfowl of Eastern Canada, on March 3, 2012. This should probably come as no surprise to anyone, as HoU and ASD share two members. Still, we think it's pretty exciting!

If you'd like to listen to the new song from A Seasonal Disguise, Trout Fishing in North America, and we know you want to, go here.

More information, album artwork, and a platoon of ravenous aardvarks will be released in the coming weeks. Guard your ankles.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The cold will bite us, in places that cold can bite.

Jack Frost is no laggard. No slug-a-bed. His old habit of nipping at toes has given way to a new, unhealthy obsession with clawing at other cartiliginous appendages. Bundle your nose as well as your toes, else he'll make off with them all. And your ears, keep clear of ice, or you won't be able to hear the musical delights we have in store for you in the coming months. Until we can share more about those though, a few warming morsels to tide you over and help keep frosty Jack at bay.

Firstly and foremostly, launching in January 2012, sprung from the pen of House of Ubasti's own Erica Crockett, and the paint brush of artist Rick Walter, comes a webcomic of dark and savage beauty. In a city ravaged by sickness, unrelenting poverty, and environmental decay, 12 year old Kali has a disturbing story to tell. A story you won't want to miss, and won't be able to forget. Keep your eyes here, as more details will begin to emerge. Below, a teaser panel from page one.

Secondly and Secondmostly, also coming in January 2012, to this very blog, a series of small interviews with big talents. Artists, writers, musicians, and other creators who are actively shaping the world around them into a more interesting, engaging, and exciting place.

Thirdly and Lastleastly, in an effort to tone down some of Ubasti's catish influence on this blog, and to provide a bit of Friday fluff to a Thursday post, I present to you : Cache, oft-chaser and never-catcher of cats and other four-legged fur-bearers, here exploring the wonders of static electricity.

That's right, I posted a picture of my dog. You're welcome.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is HoU?

House of Ubasti is coming to the music scene in Boise, Idaho. It's also coming to the publishing scene. And the art scene. It's basically coming to every scene that can properly be called a scene. What's important to gather here is the name, House of Ubasti, and that it is coming.

HoU is Z.V. House, Josh Shapel and Erica Crockett sewn together into one bastardization of nature. Not only does that mean we have six arms and six legs, we also have three brains that can bring you cool stuff like local tunes, graphic novels and art you'll want to give away because you love it so much you won't feel it's right to horde it.

Still don't know what House of Ubasti is? We sort of don't, either. But we will.