Thursday, March 15, 2012

ASD: Full of Real People. Here's Proof.

We hope that you were at the Visual Arts Collective this past March 3rd to see House of Ubasti's A Seasonal Disguise get all album released on the hipsters of Boise. But if not, here is a video thanks to Andrew Crisp of the Boise Weekly. Relive it. Or experience it and regret that you weren't there.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

March 3rd Equals ASD Awesomeness

What are you doing March 3rd?

What are you specifically doing March 3rd at 8pm in the evening?

You are going to the Visual Arts Collective. You are going to see House of Ubasti's golden child, A Seasonal Disguise, introduce their new album, "Waterfowl of Eastern Canada" to the world. You are going to be very excited about the way your eardrums feel when you hear their tuneage. You are going to bob your head, eat food, drink way too much and then go home feeling like you've been a part of something made o' magic.

Pencil that mother on the calendar.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Cover art for A Seasonal Disguise's new album.

Fabulous Boise artist Julia Green has created the cover art for A Seasonal Disguise's new album, Waterfowl of Eastern Canada, out March 3rd from House of Ubasti.

Visit ASD on Facebook and other fine social media outlets.